Recommended Reads
I love to read, and each year I set a Reading Challenge on goodreads. (Follow me here) From the discussions we've had in previous classes, I know some of you are also big readers, so I thought I'd put together a recommended reading list for you! Some of these are pretty new, and some I've been rereading for a while!

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert - read approx 2010
A friend gave me this, and I rolled my eyes. I'd seen reviews of it when it first came out and I dismissed it, thinking it was 'chic lit'. The story tells of Liz, who goes through a difficult divorce, and plans a year out to Eat (in Italy, both physically and metaphorically to build herself back up), Pray (in India, where she spends time in an ashram) and Bali, where she learns to love again, both herself, and a new partner that she meets. Based on the author's own life, I've now reread this several times and will revisit at times when I feel like I need to shake things up a bit - or just when I get itchy feet!

How to Live a Good Life by Jonathon Fields - read 2018
This book offers practical tips on how to improve daily life, from little things to huge changes. It can be read as a book, or work through like a manual. A great one to re-visit, it helps me focus on one thing at a time!

No More Dirty Looks: The Truth About Your Beauty Products and Ultimate Guide to Safe and Clean Cosmetics, by Siobhan O'Connor and Alexandra Spunt - read 2018
This is a fair few years ago, and a lot of the content refers to the American cosmetic industry, but the information definitely relates. It's quite scary how we use so many products in our day to day lives, without really thinking about what's in them, and what they're actually doing to themselves. Since reading this, I'm much more aware of the products I'm using, and try to use 'clean' brands. Read and then pass onto someone else!

The Mandibles: A Family, by Lionel Shriver - read 2017
Although I don't read a lot of fiction, Lionel Shriver is one of my favourite authors. This is set in the future (although only 10 years from now!) and focuses on a family based in America, where Amazon has gone bust, Donald Trump lost power, and the currency has failed. It's a scary tale of what could definitely happen. Although there's a lot of money and politic talk, and its quite a difficult read (as are most of Lionel Shrivers' books) I would still definitely recommend it!

Shantaram, by Gregory David Roberts - read approx 2008
One of my favourite ever books, and one I recommend to anyone with an interest in travel. This tells the story of an Australian prisoner who escapes from one of the most secure prisons in broad daylight, and makes his way with a false passport over to India. The book runs through a pretty amazing tale over several years, including the main character joining the war against Iraq, becoming a slum doctor and a drug dealer. I love this book for its descriptions of India, and is another one I return to when I feel the pull for adventure!
Please feel free to share your favourites with me, as I love a recommendation! What are you currently reading?